Steffen Horstman


Steffen Horstmann’s poems and book reviews have appeared in publications throughout the world, including Baltimore ReviewFree State ReviewIstanbul Literary ReviewLouisiana LiteratureOyez ReviewTexas Poetry Journal, and Tiferet. He has published two books of ghazals, Jalsaghar (2016) and Ujjain (2017).


In the Himalayas

Mirabai is seen where the lark’s trill echoes in the Himalayas,
At dusk when falling snow becomes dust that glows in the Himalayas.

The Jhelum quavers with Shiva’s reflection as devas ride clouds rowed
With rods of lightning through sunbeams & rainbows in the Himalayas.

The phoenix soars in thermals spiraling to clouds that race from valleys
To where nomads will cross the frosted plateaus in the Himalayas.

Winds whisper prayers where Habba Khatun is seen in the gleaming dust
Of snow dervishes whirling through iced meadows in the Himalayas.

Shahid, do you still hear Kabir’s voice in the chinars that aisle roads
Winding through a maze of sunlight & shadows in the Himalayas?

Lal Ded appears in moonlit water, her aura of green flames mirrored
In pulsing beads of dew that adorn willows in the Himalayas.

Cremation pyres expel blue embers crackling to the fugitive
Spell of prayers chanted from shadowed hollows in the Himalayas.

Temple mirrors liquify, ripple with the image of Maitreyi
Floating in saffron mist from which devis rose in the Himalayas.

Deva: A supernatural being in Hinduism; devi is the female equivalent.
Habba Khatun (1554-1609): poet and ascetic, she was known as the Nightingale of Kashmir.
Lal Ded (1320-1391): Kashmiri mystic poet.
Maitreyi: 8th century philosopher.
Mirabai (1498-1547): Hindu mystic and poet.



Auroras shed waves of turquoise light in Shalimar,
Through clouds transformed to blue dust at night in Shalimar.

Planets of ice swirl in a decanter of water,
Tinted gold by the waning twilight in Shalimar.

Janabai’s image is reflected in terrace pools,
Rising through beams of silver moonlight in Shalimar.

Faiz read ghazals to winds swaying the jacarandas,
Couplets zephyrs quietly recite in Shalimar.

Moonlit jewels pulse like fireflies in Layla’s hair,
As Majnoon appears in mist at night in Shalimar.

Ghalib ascended vistas of shimmering water,
Pink-tinted cloudscapes casting starlight in Shalimar.

Batik roses are hued with the shades of dusk: dark gold,
Aqua-blue, maroon, azure & white, in Shalimar.

Mosaic basins mirror the lustrous moon in rings
Of flame as sacred pyres ignite in Shalimar.

The nightingales sing in misted chinars, the winged-letters
Of Tagore’s poems rise through starlight in Shalimar.

Begum Akhtar’s silhouette forms in teal skies, the arcs
Of comets crystallize clouds tonight in Shalimar.

Begum Akhtar (1914-1974): An Indian ghazal singer, she is known as the Queen of ghazals.
Layla and Majnoon: The central figures in a famous Arabic love story.
Janabai: 14th century Marathi poet.




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