Sanjeev Sethi


Sanjeev Sethi is published in over 30 countries. He has more than 1400 poems printed or posted in literary venues around the world. Wrappings in Bespoke, is joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. It is his fourth book. It will be launched in Jan 2021. He lives in Mumbai, India.

We pursued no precept. Like hunters
in the wild we countered each other.
In stillness of early shine we were
lit by the other’s fire. Intensity did it–
legitimized failings and fault lines.
As serenity changed to stridence
mirror of merger wiped itself up.



He was born to a warlock.
As he grew, he gathered:
his spellbinder of a progenitor
was no prophet.

This bred trepidity.
His bête noire:
other’s snitching on
his father’s subterfuge.

If a voice had whispered: all
elders are enchanters. You too,
will equip yourself with artifice.
Peg this on charm or conjury.



Glottogony killed
whatever goodness we possessed.
Language assisted us
to hatch allowance,
ending the wholesomeness
of humanity.

Judicature as in all systems
imbrued it with imperfections.
Purity is
for moral science practitioners:
who make known
from the margins.

Grief when spilled
is an incomplete story.
No one knows how much of it
is shared or shielded.
Legerdemain of locution
plagues us from the word go.



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