Poetry: Matt Schroeder

Image: Photorama

Hangman Days

Unbearable, the world that broke into time.
Unbearable, the just-born certainty of distance.

……………………………………………………………Susan Stewart
All I want
is to be told
………………………..take your time

that the line
isn’t dead
……………..instead as soft
…………….& malleable as
the forests I hide
beneath my tongue

that objects
are no closer
than they appear

dead dogs
…………….hospital bills
………………………..slowing senses

………………………..it’s not that I don’t
………………………..look up at the sky
………………………..& realize what it
………………………..means to be a part
………………………..of this world

I know ropes will eventually loop
down in their oval curiosity & croon
our names……….that we will….having
drunk too much oblige their siren-
song laughing our way into the sky as
the sand bags
………………………..plummet past us……..winking
but for now
what is life but a cat on the lap
a cup of tea………………..& the absolutely
……………………………………devastating realization that
……………………………………one day you will be gone

…………….or that I in the dutiful game
of hangman days will sail into the ether

there is nothing to show for this pleading

…………….just let me rest awhile…………everything
…………………………………………………………….is so small
in the distance
………………………..I can almost hear you laughing


All That Memory Gifts

In the twelfth year
since my father’s body
was wheeled into a furnace
& shoveled out into a bag

I am preparing dinner
in a nearly silent kitchen
a sprig of rosemary between
my fingers…….as I slide fragrant
………………………needles into a pan

trying so badly
to remember the man that
capsized my world with his
quick decline & quicker ghost

yet as I am bombarded with
the herbaceous green…..the
pungent aroma of the Adriatic
seaside on the first warm
day of the year
………………………all that comes to mind
…………….is a time my father ate
a sandwich in the kitchen

some strange creation
where he combined
the sweet sop of
applesauce with
the salt-sour crunch
of pickle

I am sure I ate
countless meals
with this man
& yet this is all
that memory gifts

& what a gift it is

a man & his sandwich
brought back to life
as rosemary cries
itself to sleep in a
lake of butter


On My Twenty-Ninth I Awake

with broken teeth & saucers
for eyes
……………………full of milk &
……………………over into what is either
the twenty-eighth which came
……………………or the thirtieth which
lies ahead
………………………….calendars have never been
………………………….my strong suit

in fact
……………………I have never even owned
…………………………..a suit of my own

life is a slow relic of hand-me-down
……………………leftover from those kind enough
to take pity
…………………………..you must tell no one
……………….you can keep a secret
can’t you?
I am laughing
…………………………..can’t you tell?

………………………………………………..By highlighting it
…………………………..I have removed
………………..any trace of joy
……………….& ruined through
this stretching on of time……………all the milk
…………………………………….spilled & crying angrily
at big-bumbling me who was asleep
enough not to realize the tipping point

for the sky is so beautiful
……………………the way it sparkles with
……………………………………..broken smile &
underneath the sea of cream
are moonstones
………………………….the finest you’ve ever seen
imagine that
………………………….precious stones that glow
………………………….of night’s perpetual bulb

I have stolen them &
…………………………………..replaced your eyes while sleeping
so that come your thirtieth
…………………………………..be that ahead of or behind you
you might finally see the world in all its wonder
……………………………………………………………..the way I do


Spare Parts Come Friday
after Dmitri Prigov

today I have nothing worth saying

it is Thursday again & as I considered
the first line I……………too……..was already exhausted

but you’re still here reading
so I will do my best to entertain you

but you must cut off my hands first
to keep them away from my many wants
………………………….& preferably at the wrist

a quick flick to paint the world
a whole new indescribable shade

(except of course for the equally handless)

or……………………….what might be even more fun
I will lie on my side while you pour cement
into each of my ears
……………………………………..the only problem being

that……………….of course………I will still be able to hear
my own blood & breath running around

in fact……………..why don’t you try to drug me
without me noticing sometime before tonight

but understand……………….I will be on guard
so you must rely on your wits

that way I can call off the day
with its hot-breathed hunger
& its too-close-for-comfort
lip licking

just promise that once I am out
you will at least have the courtesy
to steal my wallet & sell my phone

what am I……..after all…….but spare parts

a seed spit in a watermelon patch that grows
into a spitting young man so impressively incapable

& if you’d be so kind………………………………..be sure
that wherever I so gracefully lose consciousness

that I am protected from the sun
so I might have a better chance come Friday


Matt Schroeder is a poet and educator currently based in southern China. His poetry can be found in Thin Air Magazine, Poetry Lab Shanghai, New World Writing, and is forthcoming from Welter Magazine and Poet Lore.

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