Poetry: David Dephy


We hear a long familiar melody.

Let it sound as gratefulness of our breath.

Shadow falls from our eyes, my love.

Secrets always remain the same.

We do not hear the distant roar of gale, tonight.

We hear that melody; a tide that tugs at us.

The night is calm. Above our heads

a star will flame, again. Time passes

as time does. So much behind us,

and we are not too old at all.

We glare at our night and it is so clear

there is never too late for a miracle,

when our eyes touch the night, our lips touch the words

as a secret language of our own breath addressing

a secret world, lifting our bodies to silky night’s softness,

we realize how alive we are.



Standing on the edge of darkness, expecting

calmness, in the deadly noise and fury

of century, do I not fear silence? Since I am

under the same sentence of condemnation?

And I indeed have been condemned justly,

for I am getting what I deserve for my deeds,

but silence has done nothing wrong,

I am looking up.

When I look at your naked beauty, dear air,

when I look at your strength, dear water,

when I look at your mercy, dear earth,

when I look at your holiness, dear fire,

I feel presence of all the languages

inside me, all around me, I feel they are the veins

of our world, where spirit of the world

is music itself, spirit of music is melody

itself, spirit of melody is harmony itself,

spirit of harmony is every sound of our heartbeat,

as the world is breathing by silence only.

Oh, divine silence, remember me

when you come into your kingdom.


David Dephy — A Georgian/American award-winning poet. An author of poetry book Eastern Star (Adelaide Books New York / 2020) He is named as A Literature Luminary by Bowery Poetry, The Stellar Poet by Voices of Poetry and The Incomparable Poet by Statorec. He lives in New York.

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  1. Alicia Viguer-Espert

    Remember me, what a lovely prayer!

  2. Yes, particuarly to the first poem.

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