There’s this great darkness
in a world that we are suppose to call
a place full of candles at night
burning bright
but only within their insignificant halos
Sometimes we can see only some tiny portions
of it
sometimes nothing at all…
When you see a firefly
just remember that we feel like that
most of the time –
lighting our journey to the end of the night
It’s so confusing and yet so beautiful,
Yesterday I saw a blind man on the street
asking for directions
from another blind man with
a lantern in his hand.
Silence and suddenly a shot!
Then the forest fell silent again.
After this brief moment,
billions of brief moments passed;
the trees do not have watches,
just verdant green memories of
the times when the people talked to
trees and the animals as their equals.
And there lies the wounded deer.
The black eye is closing just like
in the final moments of a supernova;
the nature falls asleep in the soft bed
and the universe dreams our eternal dream.
And just a few seconds before sunset,
the last sunbeam is pushed into the keyhole
to unlock the gates of darkness.
BIO: Peycho Kanev is the author of 10 poetry collections and three chapbooks, published in the USA and Europe. His poems have appeared in many literary magazines, such as: Rattle, Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Front Porch Review, Hawaii Review, Barrow Street, Sheepshead Review, Off the Coast, The Adirondack Review, Sierra Nevada Review, The Cleveland Review and many others. His new book of poetry titled A Fake Memoir was published in 2022 by Cyberwit.