Poetry: Nandini Sahu

The Sea of Pedigrees

True that.
A bottomless embrace is the response
even when the
question is mysterious.
It transfers sustenance, security, keenness
guides and glides harmony apposite
from body to body, soul to soul.
Merging animated
sans questions
charms the senses and touches
your passion.
This, only this,
is panacea of the cosmos, the creation.

You whispered these honeyed words in my ears
when I bit your earlobes
in a deep embrace.
I floated in the sea of frenzied dreams
and dream visions
when you futilely attempted to explore
the nook and cranny–just all of it–
of my body beautiful.

It’s not easy my love
to touch the mysteries of the ocean.
And I smiled prevailing.
You seemed to be at some solution.
I looked deep in your eyes.
I could essentially see your
desires of pedigrees
unfulfilled, unattended, unrequited.
Instantly I took charge of
your dreams, wishes and your subterranean passion.

I whispered, ‘take me as you like me,
it’s a complete surrender.’
You assumed I was right,
and you preferred the act of capitulation.

As I merged with you in you
and mocked to be asking for clemency
you smiled honored.
You said, ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet lady’!
That was my triumph! Making you the man,
the elemental man, was my resolution.

Now the memory of that moment is my safekeeping.
Ah, I have to rather safeguard it
lest time’s talon corrupts it
in my myriad day long mundane action.


Prof.Nandini Sahu, Professor of English and Director, School of Foreign Languages, IGNOU, New Delhi, India, is an established  Indian English poet,creative writer,theorist and folklorist. She is the author/editor of fourteen books; has been widely published in India and outside. Prof.Sahu is a triple gold medalist in English Studies. Her areas of research interest cover New Literatures, Critical Theory, Folklore and Culture Studies, Children’s Literature and American Literature.

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