Kalpna Singh-Chitnis: Translated by Suman Pokhrel

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Kalpna Singh-Chitnis is an Indo-American poet, writer, filmmaker and actor based in California, USA. Author of “Bare Soul” and three collections of poems in Hindi, she won the prestigious “Bihar Rajbhasha Award” (1986-87) given by the government of Bihar, India, for her first poetry collection “Chand Ka Paivand” (Patch of Moon) before she was 21, and was given the title of “Bihar Shri”(Jewel of Bihar) in 1988. She also received the“Rajiv Gandhi Global Excellence Award” in 2014 for her contributions to literature and cinema, and was nominated for“Honor Of Yeast Litteraire” by “Levure Litterarie” magazine. Kalpna’s literary works have been widely published in the Indian subcontinent, Europe and North America. She is also the creator and editor of “Life and Legends” literary journal, and serves on the Editorial Board of “Levure litteraire” in Paris, France.


Suman Pokhreal



Suman Pokhrel (सुमन पोखरेल), is an acclaimed Nepali poet, lyricist, translator and artist, known for his books entitled “Soonya Mutuko Dhadkanbhitra”, Jeevanko Chheubaata and Hazaar Aankha Yee Aankhama. His poems revolve around the nuances of life. He is a poet with a strong and tender voice. Pokhrel’s poems are published in various literary journals and anthologies at both national and international levels. Pokhrel was awarded the prestigious SAARC Literary Award in 2013.

*Poems of  Kalpna Singh-Chitnis are translated from original English into Nepali by Suman Pokhrel.



It’s now time for me to empty my soul,
roll into the abundance of silences,
to hear my voice…

It’s now time for me to pour myself
into chalices of some restless hearts,
and let my intoxication be the exhilaration of others…

It’s now time for me to become one, with the vastness of the ocean,
and let all the waves come crashing,
to shatter my prides…

It’s now time for me to light the candles, and let myself be a firefly,
entering the periphery of your light,
and become immortal…

It’s now time for me to wear the charms you gave me once,
feel the warmth of your invisible embrace,
and let my heart thaw…

It’s now time for me to be, what I haven’t been before,
sip the night in ecstasy,
from your sacred tranquil lips…

It’s now time for me again, to write nights in your name,
and be afraid to lose,
to my stars once again…

It’s now time for me to hear, the heart of the ocean,
throbbing in a seashell, washed off the shore,
a heart very similar to yours…!


आफ्नो हृदय रित्याउने बेला हो यो मेरो
अपरिमित निश्तब्दतामा हराउनका लागि,
आफ्नो बोली सुन्नका लागि ।

कुनै अस्थिर हृदयको प्यालामा खन्याउने
र आफ्नो मदहोसीलाई अरूको उल्लास बनाउने बेला हो यो ।

सागरको गहिराइसँग एकाकार भएर
छालहरूलाई आफ्नो गौरव भत्काउन दिने बेला हो यो मेरो ।

यो मेरो
मैनबत्ती बालेर आफूलाई जूनकीरी बनाउने
र तिम्रो उज्यालोभित्र पसेर अमर हुने बेला हो ।

तिमीले कुनैबेला दिएको ओज ओढेर
तिम्रो अदृष्य अँगालो अनुभूत गर्ने
र आफ्नो हृदयलाई पग्लन दिने बेला हो यो मेरो ।

यो मेरो
म आजसम्म नभएको म हुने
र तिम्रा पवित्र, स्वच्छ अधरबाट
हर्षोन्मत्त रातको चुस्की लिने बेला हो ।

रातलाई फेरि तिम्रो नाममा समर्पण गर्ने
र फेरि एकपल्ट आफ्नो जूनेली हराएर डराउने बेला हो यो मेरो।

नुहाएर किनारमा सुस्ताइरहेको सागरको हृदय,
ठ्याक्कै तिम्रैजस्तो हृदय
सिपीमा स्पन्दित भइरहेको सुन्ने बेला हो मेरो ।

(अङ्ग्रेजीबाट सुमन पोखरेलद्वारा अनुदित)


I looked in the mirror,
and found the world afloat in my eyes.

I tasted on my lips,
the taste of the world.

I went out, searching for myself,
and found the world sitting inside me,

but I wasn’t there
I’m amazed!

In the meantime, a sparrow comes
and knocks on my forehead,

I begin to break,
like an outer shell of a sprouting seed…

a bitter greenish smell
spreads out all over me…

and I felt,

I was born just now,
with a new perception of life.


ऐना हेरें मैले
र संसारलाई आफ्ना आँखामा तैरिरहेको भेट्टाएँ ।

मैले विश्वको स्वादलाई
आफ्ना ओठहरूबाट ग्रहण गरें ।

आफूलाई खोज्न बाहिर निस्किएँ
र व्रह्माण्डलाई आफैँभित्र लुकिरहेको पाएँ ।

तर आफूलाई भने त्यहाँ देखिनँ
र आश्चार्यचकित भएँ ।

एक्कासी एउटा भँगेरो आएर
मेरो निधारमा ढक्ढक्यायो,

म फुटन थालेँ
टुसाउँदै गरेको वीजको बाहिरी पत्र झैँ…

एउटा हरियो तीखो गन्धले भिजायो मलाई ।

अनुभूत गरेँ
भर्खरै मात्र जन्मिएछु म त
जीवनप्रतिको नयाँ धारणाले भरिएर  ।

(अङ्ग्रेजीबाट सुमन पोखरेलद्वारा अनुदित)


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