Poetry: John Comminos

The incidence of flight
within flight
was, for crow,
an audacity unspoken.
Dreams of this plague,
a prelude anticipating hope.
For crow, the truth,
unvarnished as 
truth’s manifesto, was lost
in winged translation. Lost
in archives,
where hope trained in narrative,
crow deferred to truth,
at times, when truth was all
he had, obscure
—reminded him
of living,
tasks, of the vital and the vincible
—but oh, crow longed for the day
when pursued by the very thoroughfare
of blood
he would rise above
like a crow Lazarus and become
itself—Flight as the gods
intended, suspension between
the life of the now and
the life of the age to come.
Crow longed for this
tacit acknowledgement of transcendence
and crow would seek
this trans in every flight,
ancient prophecy
by truth.
One day in flight
—another flight
bourn, again born 
—upon flight

BIO: John Comninos is a Presbyterian Minister and a Pastoral Psychologist/Gestalt Therapist from Cape Town, South Africa. He completed a Clinical Pastoral Masters at Stellenbosch University and later more post graduate work in Gestalt Therapy at the Play Therapy Centre in Wellington, he served in an international dual diagnosis rehabilitation clinic for 8 years, as Assistant and Clinical Manager and has lectured in psychology and theology at Huguenot College and Stellenbosch University

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