David Mason is a professor of English at The Colorado College and Poet Laureate of Colorado. His books include Ludlow: A Verse Novel, The Country I Remember, Arrivals, News from the Village, The Scarlet Libretto and Sea Salt: Poems of a Decade, 2004-2014. Co-editor of several textbooks and anthologies, he has also published two collections of literary essays. His work can be found in such periodicals as The New Yorker, Poetry, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Times Literary Supplement, The Irish Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Virginia Quarterly Review and The Hudson Review. He has written the libretti for two full-length operas, The Scarlet Letter and Ludlow, and the oratorio Vedem, all with music by Lori Laitman. a one-act opera with composer Tom Cipullo is forthcoming. And Davey McGravy: Tales for Children and Adult Children, will appear in the coming year. A former Fulbright Fellow to Greece, Mason divides his time between Colorado and Oregon.
Galahs in the Wind
The tents are coming loose,
whole households on a string
and no one knows just where
the children have run off to.
Oh joy, the limbs and leaves
are tearing like the waves.
We are galahs. Galahs in the wind!
The sunlight shouts and we
tsup-tsup in riotous flight.
The world is all a seed to eat,
a song to answer everywhere,
we must be everywhere
at once we must, we must
tsup-tsup to the sun
our flight beneath the blue
and endless racing heaven.
Saying Grace
If every moment is
and is a wilderness
to navigate by feel
whether half or whole,
the river takes a turn,
the forest has to burn,
the broken fern to grow,
the silence of a night
of supplicating stars
may answer us aright:
our worries and our cares
are not the same as theirs.
Give us this day more world
than we can ever know.
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