Daryna Gladun: Translated by Lesyk Panasiuk and Daryna Gladun


to Iryna Shuvalova and Yurii Andrukhovych

we are not another year older but the war older
the number that could describe how much we’ve been through doesn’t even exist
||||||||||||||||||| now we are older than our bodies ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||| grandparents one war older then us were always saying
that we were so lucky to be born in a peacetime
but we didn’t believe to their old age and gray hair
didn’t believe to their words
didn’t believe in war



Ірині Шуваловій та Юрію Андруховичу

постаріли ми не на рік а на цілу війну
немає такого числа яке б описало скільки ми пережили
||||||||||||||||||| тепер уже ми старіші від наших тіл ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||| бабусі і дідусі на цілу війну старіші від нас постійно повторювали
які ми щасливі що народились у мирний час
та ми не вірили їхнім словам і рокам
не вірили в їхню старість у сивину
не вірили у війну


Daryna Gladun (1993) is a Ukrainian writer, translator, performance artist, and researcher. She is a young, celebrated poet who won several Ukrainian and international poetry competitions and scholarships (such as ‘Word Coronation,’ Oles Honchar Ukrainian-German literary award, Smoloskyp publishing house literary competition prize, etc.). Daryna Gladun is the author of three books of poetry (written and published in the Ukrainian language). The first one, рубати дерево (to chop the tree), 2017, was marked as one of the best poetry books of the year by Ukrainian literary critics, book reviewers, the International jury of Kovaliv Foundation Prize, book bloggers, and readers. Her second book ІЗ ТІНІ КРАСИВИХ ЧЕРВОНИХ ХЛОПЧИКІВ (FROM THE SHADOW OF HANDSOME RED BOYS), 2020, touches upon topics of soviet and post-soviet experiences of the discriminated groups of people and became one of the best Ukrainian poetry books of 2020 according to PEN Ukraine. The third bilingual book Радіо “Війна” / Radio ‘Wojna’ (Radio War) is going to be published in Poland both in Ukrainian and Polish (translated by Janusz Radwański). Daryna Gladun has participated in international residences and literary projects in Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, and Poland. Her poems have been translated into 22 world languages.

Lesyk Panasiuk is a Ukrainian writer, translator, designer, and performance artist. He is the author of three poetry books in Ukrainian, books of translation published in Romanian and Russian, and individual works translated into 20 languages. He is the translator and co-translator of books by Valzhyna Mort, Siarhei Prylutski, Dmitry Kuzmin, Artem Werle, and three anthologies of Belarusian literature. Laureate of various literary contests and scholar of the President of Ukraine stipend for writers (2019), he is the resident and scholar of international residences for writers and translators in Latvia (Ventspils, 2019) and Poland (Warsaw, 2021).

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