Bhisma Upreti: Translated by Mahesh Poudyal

Bhishma Upreti


Bhisma Upreti is a Nepali poet and essay writer. He has published more than a dozen and half books of poetry, essays and a novel. Upreti is the recipient of several awards including first prize in the National Poetry Competition for Nepal and the Creativity Award from the Academy of Indo-Asian Literature in New Delhi, India. Translations of his works are available in English, Korean, Japanese, Serbian, Slovenian, Hindi and Tamil. They have published in various international and national anthologies, journals and magazines. Upreti lives in Kathmandu with his family.


Mahesh Paudyal


Mahesh Paudyal, born in 1982, is a Kathmandu based poet, story writer, critic, translator, and playwright. He has twelve books to his credit, which include stories, novels, plays, and criticism. He is also an active literary activist, and a teacher of English literature at Tribhuvan University.





Walk with your head raised,
Your eyes focused on the trail ahead,
Stand with pride, as we do.
Thus say the bamboos time and again
in the grove, beyond my house.

And although many culms in the grove
Stand erect,
A few always bends down,
Where Touch-me-not lies in beauty.

Reckon! One has to bow down sometimes,
If civilization,
Modesty and decorum have to be maintained.
But when you do,
do not fall flat on the ground,
But do it with all smiles,
Happily, as we do.

The bamboos in the grove
beyond my house, thus say so
time and again…


हिँड्नू, शिर ठाडो गरेर
अगाडि हेरेर
उभिनू सोझो भएर
गर्वको साथ
हामीले जसरी !
घर मास्तिरको बाँसझाङका बाँसहरूले
बारम्बार भनिरहन्छन्…।

बाँसझाङमा धेरै बाँसहरू
एकदम सोझो उभिएका भए तापनि
केही त नुहेका पनि छन्
लज्जावतीको सौन्दर्य त्यहाँ छ ।

विनम्रता र मर्यादामा
कहिलेकाहीँ झुक्नु पनि पर्छ, बुझ्नू
तर झुक्दा लुत्रुक्क नपरी
मुस्कुराउँदै, फुर्तीले
खुशीसाथ झुक्नू
हामीले जसरी !

घर मास्तिरको बाँसझाङका बाँसहरूले
पटक पटक
यसो पनि भनिरहन्छन्…।


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