Kazi Nazrul Islam Translated by Lopamudra Banerjee


Kazi Nazrul Islam (24 May 1899 – 29 August 1976) was a Bengali poet, writer, musician and the national poet of Bangladesh. Popularly known as Nazrul, he produced a large body of literary works with themes that included religious devotion and rebellion against oppression. Nazrul’s activism for political and social justice earned him the title of “Bidrohi Kobi” (Rebel Poet). His compositions form the famous genre of Nazrul Geeti (Music of Nazrul), characterized by the avant-garde flavor and the essential romanticism embedded in his songs and lyrics.
Nazrul’s writings explored themes like freedom, humanity, love, and revolution. He opposed all forms of bigotry and fundamentalism, including religious, caste and gender discrimination. Nazrul wrote short stories, novels, and essays but is best known for his songs and poems. He profusely enriched ghazals in the Bengali language.


Lopamudra Banerjee is a writer, editor and poet currently living in Dallas, Texas. She is originally from Kolkata, India.

Translator’s Note 

Kazi Nazrul Islam, the radical, rebellious poet of Bengal has inspired me immensely since my childhood with his quintessential fiery spirit and his unique romanticism which is embedded in his poetry and lyrics of his songs. Unlike some of his deeply rebellious poems for which the poet has been characterized as a revolutionary activist voice, this poem, like many of his lyrics for his songs, speaks of a pristine, romantic soul, and it is the freshness and unique romantic appeal of this poem which inspired me to translate it as a tribute for his birth anniversary in June 2020.

(Translated from the original Bengali)


Please sanctify my life,
I want to emerge like the fresh new dawn of our everyday.
Like the sun rising in its surreal splendor,
I want to bloom, please sanctify my life.
I am the Bakul flower that withered in pain and anguish long back—
Place your loving hand on my head, with your consumed being,
Drench my burning heart like the torrential downpour of
The month of Asharh, let me replenish myself, being a verdant, green tree.
Let me be the sun rising in its surreal splendor,
Please sanctify my life, let me be the guileless morning sky,
Let me be the book in every child’s hand who has learnt his first spellings.
Let me be the music and melody of the birdsong at dawn.
Let me be a fresh, green island, a pastoral delight, please sanctify my life.
Let me be the innocence of early childhood, the virgin gush of rain in the monsoon.
For a long time, I have been an embodiment of melancholy,
For a long time, I have been the lonely Jhau forest.
Please sanctify my life, let me be the freshly blooming flower,
Let me be the eyes, opening up to a new, virgin dawn.

তুমি শুদ্ধ করো আমার জীবন, আমি প্রতিটি ভোরের মতো
আবার নতুন হয়ে উঠি।
হই সূর্যোদয়, আমার জীবন তুমি পরিশুদ্ধ করো, আমি প্রস্ফুটিত হই।
আমি বহুদিন ঝরা ব্যাথিত বকুল আকারে,
আমি বুহুদিন বিষণ্ণ বিধুর;
একবার আমার মাথায় হাত রাখো, সুপ্রস্নন্ন হও
এই দগ্ধ বুকে করো শ্রাবনের অঝোর বর্ষণ
আমি শ্যামল সবুজ বৃক্ষ হয়ে উঠি।
তুমি শুদ্ধ করো আমার জীবন, আমি হই সূর্যোদয়,
আমি হই উদিত আকাশ।
আমি হয়ে উঠি প্রতিটি শিশুর হাতে প্রথম বানান শেখা বই,
হয়ে উঠি ভোর বেলার পাখিদের গান;
আমার জীবন তুমি শুদ্ধ করো, আমি হই নতুন সবুজ কোন দ্বীপ,
আমি হই বাল্যকাল, আমি হই বরষার নব জল্ধারা
আমি বহুদিন ব্যাথিত বিষাদ, আমি বহুদিন একা ঝাউবন।
তুমি শুদ্ধ করো আমার জীবন, আমি হয়ে উঠি সদ্যফোটা ফুল
আমি হয়ে উঠি সকালের ঘুম ভাঙ্গা চোখ।



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