Tulsi Diwasa

Tulasi Diwasa


Tulasi Diwasa is a prominent name in modern Nepali poetry. He has authored a dozen books on literature, folk culture and folklore of various tribes in Nepal. He served as professor of Nepali Literature at Tribhuwan University for several years. He has also served as Cultural Secretary at the Nepalese Embassy in the USA and taught as a visiting professor at various universities abroad. He is a life member of Nepal Academy and the President of Nepali Folklore Society (NFS).

Dr. Abhi Subedi


Born in Terathum of eastern Nepal, Dr. Abhi Subedi (अभि सुवेदी) received his higher education in Nepal and Britain. He is an essayist, critic, linguist, playwright, translator, and poet. He has over two- dozen books on different subjects to his credit. Among his over ten plays, strong theatre groups in Nepal and abroad have performed several of them. Professor Subedi has taught for 40 years at the Central Department of English. He is vice-President of the Nepali Folklore Society of Nepal. He is the founding former President of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) UNESCO from 2000—2008 and member of International Playwright’s Forum from 2000-2011. Subedi became President (1990-1992) and two times General Secretary of the Linguistic Society of Nepal. He was also President of the Literary Association of Nepal. He is vice-President of the Nepal Folklore Society and member of the International Association of Theatre Critics. He is involved in several interdisciplinary study groups and a prolific writer on issues of freedom, culture, literature, arts and social transformations. His essays and seminar papers are published in Nepal and outside.

(The poem is translated from the original Nepali into English by Abhi Subedi).


Sun and Cobweb

Old sun-
a splinter bounced from Time’s mountain
perhaps a black spider
caught in the day’s branches
knits a web consistently
drawing lines of demarcation
in the remaining time
even in that little yellow sky-
a falling splinter
blown down by the winds
to the crevice of the tree
growing within me!

From the small woods of the weeks and months
to the dense forests of centuries
tangled shafts of light–
loose, undulating,
some nestled in the smoky beams
and outside
straying around in thoughts
others stay huddled quietly
in some corner
where the left-over sky
sunk into the minds

The old sun
a splinter bounced from Time’s mountain
perhaps a black spider
hanging from the day’s branches
knits consistently a web
in the remaining time
drawing lines of demarcation
even in that little yellow sky-
a falling splinter
blown down by the winds
to the crevice of the tree
growing within me!


सूर्य र माकुराको जालो

समय पहाडबाट चोइटिएको बूढो सूर्य
शायद एउटा कालो माकुरा हो
र ऊ दिनको हाँगामा अल्झिएर अहिले
मेरो मनमा उभिएको रुखको कापामा
फुटेर झर्दा-झर्दै हावाले उछिट्टिएर अड्किएको
थोरै पहेंलो आकाश भए पनि सीमा कोरेर
लगातार समय जाल बुनिरहेछ !

हप्ता र महीनाको सानो जङ्गलदेखि
वर्ष र शताब्दीको ठूलो घना जङ्गलसम्म
लट्टा परेका किरणहरू चुँडिएर यताउति
केही मैलो दलिनमा अल्झिएर बाहिर
विचारमा अल्मलिँदै हल्लिरहेछन्,
केही मान्छेको मनमा बिझेको बाँकी
चोक्टा आकाश मोडिएको कुनै कुनाभित्र
एकत्रित भएर चुपचाप पोको परिरहेछन् !

समयको पहाडबाट चोइटिएको बूढो सूर्य
शायद एउटा कालो माकुरा हो
र ऊ दिनको हाँगामा अल्झएर ऐले
मेरो मनमा उम्रिएको रुखको कापामा
फुटेर झर्दा-झर्दै हावाले उछिट्टिएर अड्किएको
थोरै पहेंलो आकाश भए पनि सीमा कोरेर
लगातार बाँकी समय जाल बुनिरहेछ!


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