Deepak Samchu: Translated by Suman Pokhrel


Deepak Samchu is a young Nepali poet and theater artist. His poems are published in several poetry journals and anthologies. He has received several awards for his works, including The Best Young Poet of the Year 2010 by Vani Prakashan. He holds post graduate degree in Nepali literature from Tribhuvan University.


Suman Pokhrel is a poet, writer, and translator. He was awarded the SAARC Literary Award in 2013 and 2015, and his work has appeared in notable journals worldwide. Suman Pokhral is also a lyricist, playwright, and artist. His poems have been translated into Arabic, Bengali, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Maithili, Odia, Persian, Sanskrit, Spanish and Urdu. His poetry is included in the syllabus of Language and Literature Study at Tribhuvan University and Purwanchal University in Nepal.


In Search of Peace

In this body resides
an imprint of a dark shadow
and manners of cruelty.

It is the absence of love
that fills my heart with fire,
and eyes with smoke.

The mustache of arrogance grows
when I paint destruction on my face,
and when I carry my wounds
a history of drought appears on my body.

At a time like this,
do not play a heartrending music,
as my soul cannot sing a song of love;
do not caress my cracked face,
as it cannot feel the softness;
and my lungs, filled with fire,
unable to breathe,
can only eject flames. Yes!

I am not saying that my body has no light,
nor do I want to say that the BodhiBriksha
does not have a shade.

I have only my heart to melt,
and tears, to wash away my fears.
And my breath, to spread tenderness.

Now, I have to give back to life,
by finding my lost pulses. So please,
do not try to break my concentration.
I am trying to make a man by destroying a man,
and assembling a man by breaking one.


शान्तिको खोजी

यो शरीरमा
कालो छायाको प्रभाव परेको छ
क्रुरताको स्वभाव फैलिएको छ
स्नेहको अभावले, छातीभित्र आगो भरिएको छ ।

आँखाबाट फुस्फुसा
रहेको छ धूवाँ,
विनाश पोतिएर अनुहारमा,
पलाएको छ, ओठमाथि अहम्‌को जुँगा,
चोटै-चोट बोकेर
शरीरभरि टाँसिएको छ खडेरी इतिहास ।

यस्तो बेला,
नबजाऊ, हृदय स्पर्श गर्ने सङ्गीत
गाउन सक्दैन उसले प्रेमको गीत
नसुम्सुम्याऊ चर्किएको गाला
लिन सक्दैन उसले कोमलताको स्वाद
आगो निलेर बलेको फोक्सोले
स्वास फेर्दैन! ज्वाला फ्याक्छ, ज्वाला!

यो शरीरमा उज्यालो छैन, कहाँ भनेको हुँ र !
छैन भन्न खोजेको हो
न, वोधिवृक्षको छहारी
छ, मन पगाल्ने मुटु
सन्त्रास बगाउने आँशु
शीतलता फैलाउने स्वास।

हराएको स्पन्दन खोजेर, जीवन दिनु छ
भङ्ग गर्ने कोशिस नगर मेरो एकाग्रता
म मान्छे फालेर मान्छे बनाउने अभ्यासमा छु
मान्छे च्यातेर मान्छे जोड्ने प्रयासमा छु ।


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